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Gammagraphs, SENTINELâ„¢, DELTA 880
JME DXB:1 digital X-ray buggy
Gammagraphes, SENTINELâ„¢ 1075 SCARPro
X-ray films AGFA structurix
Silver film scanner FS 50 / FS 50 B
Gammagraphes, SENTINELâ„¢, ELITE 880
Gammagraphes, SENTINELâ„¢, OMEGA 880
Source Radio-isotopes SENTINELâ„¢ Iridium-192
Source Radio-isotopes SENTINEL™ Sélénium-75
Source Radio-isotopes SENTINELâ„¢ Cobalt-60
X-ray generator 200/300 KVA (Directional)
X-ray generator 200/300 KVA (Panoramic)
Crawler for pipeline JME 6:CR2
Crawler four pipeline JME 10:CR2
Crawler four pipeline JME 24:CR2
X-ray scanner CRxVision high-resolution digital
X-ray Film Developer, Structurix, AGFA NDT U
X-ray Film Developer, Structurix, AGFA Nova
Structurix Dryer film dryer
Hand-held portable LED light box with integrated densitometer
Portable film viewer 10 cm x 40/48 cm
Digit-X portable densitometer